ABCom о компании
- Выделенная линия
- Радиодоступ/WiMAX
- Датацентры/Xостинг
- Регистрация доменов
- Цифровая телефония
- Объединение офисов, VPN
- Цифровое телевидение IPTV
Web Hosting
In addition to investments in the field of technology and market positioning as one of the most serious companies that operate today in Albania, ABCom brings a new mentality in terms of human resources and employment policy. This policy is founded on the recognition of the diversity of each individual and provides equal opportunity to all candidates who apply for employment with us.
The year 2010 is characterized as a year of new flows, completion and extension staff, where today, our company has more than 300 employees including its subsidiaries in different cities of Albania.
However, the size of our company requires the support of many qualified leaders who possess managerial, economic and specific professional knowledge.
ABCom employees share with each other different experiences not only professional but also continuously support young people who want to be part of our team, believing maximized to them for a quality job.
To these employees, ABCom be more careful to allow duty promotions and financial benefits, professional training from higher quality working environment in harmony and gratitude of being an integral part of the success of the company.
We offer our employees:
Confidence rating, excellent conditions of employment and endless possibilities of career development.
We are always interested to young professionals or with rich experience, extensive Albanian labor market or even a stranger. We provide equal employment opportunities regardless of age, gender or other special features. This enables us to select our people solely on the basis of merit.
POS 1: Rr. “Ali Demi”, Pll. 167, përballë fushës së Sportit
+355 4 4500139
POS 2: Rr. “Dëshmoret e 4 Shkurtit”, Kompleksi Green Park, Kulla 2, Kati 2
+355 4 4500139
POS 3: Rr. “Mihal Duri”, Pll. 60, Shk. 1, Ap. 24 përballë ish-Ambasadës Jugosllave
+355 4 4500139
POS 4: Pallati "Scutari Construction" tek kryqëzimi i Rr. "Sulejman Delvina" me "Komunën e Parisit"
+355 4 4500139
POS 5: Rr. “Gogo Nushi”, Pll. 16, Shk. 3, Kati 1, Ap. 1/1
+355 4 4500139
POS 6: Rr. “Hamdi Cenojmeri”, Pll. 157, Sh 1, K 1, Ap 3 Ngjitur me Tirana Bank, Kombinat.
+355 4 4500139
POS 7: Rr. “Skënderbeu”, (ose rruga e Laknasit)50 metër nga rrethrrotullimi i qëndrës, Kamëz.
+355 4 4500139
POS 8: Godina 3- katëshe, pranë Farmaci “Erion”, Istituti Bujqësor.
+355 4 4500139
Рекомендуем провайдеров:
Каталог провайдеров
- Все провайдеры
- Интернет подключение
- Выделенная линия
- Радиодоступ/WiMAX
- Подключение по ADSL
- IP-транзит
- Датацентры/Xостинг
- Регистрация доменов
- Установка телефона
- Цифровая телефония
- Интеллектуальные услуги
- Объединение офисов, VPN
- Системная интеграция
- Поставщики оборудования
- Коммутируемый доступ
- Коммуникационные карты
- Цифровое телевидение IPTV