AirBand о компании
We offer a range of services from simply improving your Internet speeds to providing private building to building links, localised wifi coverage and managed hot spots.
At Airband we pride ourselves in combining our deep technical understanding with a relevant, friendly and professional approach. Just tell us what you need and let us worry about the detail.
Who is Airband Community Internet Ltd?
Airband Community Internet Ltd is a small and growing wireless internet service provider. We are made up of network and wireless engineers, this gives us a strong technical bias. At Airband we use this strength to provide innovative services, rather than confuse you with jargon.
How long have Airband been providing broadband?
In April 2002 we launched our first wireless broadband service in Warwickshire providing a service for 20 companies.
Today our network covers areas of Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire and Powys. Please contact us to find out if we are in your area.
Who are our customers?
Initially we provided services only to businesses including N-Power and Lockehead Martin. Businesses are still our main focus but we increasingly offer residential services.
For further information on our services and pricing, don’t hesitate to contact us.
For correspondence
Airband Community Internet Ltd
Suite 103
79 Friar Street
If visiting
Airband Community Internet Ltd
County House
Saint Mary’s Street
By phone
0800 035 0025
01905 676 121
Рекомендуем провайдеров:
Каталог провайдеров
- Все провайдеры
- Интернет подключение
- Выделенная линия
- Радиодоступ/WiMAX
- Подключение по ADSL
- IP-транзит
- Датацентры/Xостинг
- Регистрация доменов
- Установка телефона
- Цифровая телефония
- Интеллектуальные услуги
- Объединение офисов, VPN
- Системная интеграция
- Поставщики оборудования
- Коммутируемый доступ
- Коммуникационные карты
- Цифровое телевидение IPTV