Canal 7 о компании
Plant Transmitter: The transmitter plant comprises two transmitters 5 kW each. The main transmitter, separate amplification has video and audio and is constructed entirely in the solid state, while the secondary is valvular technology. Both are switched to an antenna with omnidirectional radiation. It is placed at the top of a mast 102 meters. Obtained in this way a coverage area of 75 Km radius.
Satellite Station: For the issue of satellite signal there is a system consisting of a satellite earth station upload digital MPEG-2 compressed and encrypted signal. While for the receipt thereof, have installed 29 Repeaters Satellite distributed within the province, which covers almost the entire populated area of Santiago del Estero. There is also a repeater installed in the city of San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca.
Advertising Production: For the production of advertising there is a post-production center equipped with two machines Avid Xpress and other MediaComposer one 1000, both with audio and video storage on hard disk. These computers allow for nonlinear editing, digital effects and 3D, in real time. Capturing images is done by digital cameras.
Television Studies: Channel 7 has two TV studios:
The larger study has an area of ​​150 m2, and is equipped with three cameras 3CCD 2/3 "and horizontal resolution of 840 lines, lighting spot rate, cool light fixtures, dimmer and air conditioning.
The small study, with an area of ​​40 m2, is specially designed for the issuance of the news. The same is prepared to work with virtual studio, equipped with two cameras with 3CCD digital processing of 2/3 ", 850 lines of horizontal resolution mounted robot, lighting spot rate, cool light fixtures, dimmer and air conditioning
En Santiago del Estero:
Andes 101 (esq. Córdoba)
(G4202BVC) - Santiago del Estero
Teléfonos: (54-385) 421-1400 / 3333 / 8267
Fax: (54-385) 422-1826
Каталог провайдеров
- Все провайдеры
- Интернет подключение
- Выделенная линия
- Радиодоступ/WiMAX
- Подключение по ADSL
- IP-транзит
- Датацентры/Xостинг
- Регистрация доменов
- Установка телефона
- Цифровая телефония
- Интеллектуальные услуги
- Объединение офисов, VPN
- Системная интеграция
- Поставщики оборудования
- Коммутируемый доступ
- Коммуникационные карты
- Цифровое телевидение IPTV