Lanet о компании
The company "Lanet Network" - ISP Kyiv. The main direction of our work - the organization of unlimited Internet access and cable television for individuals and corporate clients at affordable prices.
Over the past few years, the company has taken a leading position among providers of Svjatoshinskiy, Solomenskiy, Shevchenko and Podolsk district. Every week Coverage includes new streets and buildings. In the future, network Lanet plans to provide connectivity to other residential areas.
We are interested in attracting new customers, so the connection to the network is operational. However, built and put into operation new segments of the network, allowing the company to expand coverage map. Important for us to establish two-way communication with our customers, to do this we analyze the needs and wishes of Internet users and perform work to improve the quality of service. Remote solutions and technical support implemented clock.
Objectives of the company - to provide quality communication services, so we focus our attention on to the declared rate is always consistent with reality, and the customer was always informed about the most advantageous conditions of subscription. We watch as our equipment and take timely measures to address the problems of technical staff.
Our experts are always ready to help you no matter whether you are a customer network, or just think it to be. You can count on comprehensive advice and expert help from our side.
If you have appeared comments and suggestions regarding the company or its employees - contact the company at:
If you would like to start a career in the company - send your resume to:
Каталог провайдеров
- Все провайдеры
- Интернет подключение
- Выделенная линия
- Радиодоступ/WiMAX
- Подключение по ADSL
- IP-транзит
- Датацентры/Xостинг
- Регистрация доменов
- Установка телефона
- Цифровая телефония
- Интеллектуальные услуги
- Объединение офисов, VPN
- Системная интеграция
- Поставщики оборудования
- Коммутируемый доступ
- Коммуникационные карты
- Цифровое телевидение IPTV